The inspiration for this blog came to me the other day. I was with my client Stewart Boland, Stewart is in his 70's and he is an ex surgeon. He was watching how I hold my scissors and how only my thumb moves when I cut. He taught me how surgeons hold scissors and how by placing my fingers in a different location on the blade I can get 360 degree movement.
This made me think about all the clients I have meet and all the things they have taught me, from business structure and growth to how one gets away with riding his Harley Davidson on the road with no helmet. I love a good piece of advice from people that can motivate me and I love to learn, learn anything I can - anything that can't be taught in school! I put some of the most memorable stories and advice I have been given below to share with you all.
Quotes and facts from my clients -
““The best way to source and impress new clients is looking after your current clients.
If your business needs to grow, you need to grow.
One of the greatest mistakes many businesses make is trying to be all things to all people”
Scott Kelly - McGrath Estate Agents, Network Business Performance and Training ”
““I imagine being a barber, you would meet some pretty interesting people and the various conversations held on a daily basis would be as interesting as the people sitting in the extremely comfortable chairs at Cutri and Co whilst letting Frances work her magic. The flip side would be that I can only imagine that the same conversation is had pretty much every half an hour a everyday. A little monotonous…..
How does a Construction Project Managers job compare to that of a Barber? Simple, our jobs require us to be psychiatrists. Day in day out we listen to the problems of clients, contractors and staff.
Hayden-Project Manager Construction”
“Frances - “What do you do for work?”
Anthony - “I work on a private yacht and have been in the industry for 13 years now. The vessels I have worked on over the years are the toys of people in the top 100 of the worlds wealthiest. Rather than a form of transport they are used like a giant floating holiday home and although nearly the size of a football field accommodate around 12 guests in the absolute luxury”
Frances - “Um, how do I get one?”
Anthony - Yacht Captain”
“Frances - “Con, I drove past you the other day and you where on your three wheeled Harley Davison with no helmet on! Are you crazy? How do you get away with that?
Con- “It’s a long story but it’s registered as a three wheeled car so legally I can drive around on it with no helmet on.”
Frances - “You must get pulled over all the time?!”
Con - “Lets just say if I’m going here to Bondi its at least 3 times Francesca”
Con Damouras - Bar Italia Norton Street Liechhardt ”
““There are 5 key principles to a successful business, preparation, presentation, market knowledge, honesty and innovation”
Raphael Pulera- York Property Group
““Always trust your gut instinct and never open business with family and friends”
Joseph - Jean Louis Joseph Birkenhead Point”
““Make sure you put aside time for yourself, for your health as well as family friends. If you don’t make that time, it will be filled up with work and you will get tired and burned out. That will be no fun”
Dr Taylor Harrison - Chiropractor, HealthSpace Rozelle.”
““First impressions last and in corporate sales it couldn’t be more true. That is why keeping on top of your appearance is so important. For me having a fresh trim is a natural confidence builder”
Jon Sommer - Ingogo”
“Frances- “Josh, I know nothing about AFL! How do you play? “
Josh - “The aim is to work the ball up the field to your teams goals by kicking, marking and hand balling the ball. It has the foot skills of soccer, tackling of Rugby and NFL (minus the pads) and the movement and jumping of basketball. Not to confuse you or anything... “
Josh Kelly - Midfielder for GWS Giants.”
““The key to any relationship, friendship or business is consistency”
Frances Cutri - Cutri and Co. Barber Shop”